Happy New Year!

Client has 1st position balance of around $210K, 10 mos remaining at $5500/wk/pmnt looking for around $80K by end of this month. Have all their full financial package.

Business is located in AZ
Credit: 750+
TIB: 15yrs+
Homeowner: YES

2016 Monthly revenue (000's):

Jan $325
Feb $422
Mar $469
April $484
May $455
June $435
July $428
Aug $408
Sept $453
Oct $357
Nov $299
Dec $263

Nov-Jan typically their slower months but picks back up in Feb thru Sept.

Client says the new contract bringing in roughly an additional 300k a month will start in Feb 2017.

Please let me know if you're interested by giving me your contact info so i can send the file for preview. No WBL or Yellowstone family please because i am afraid they'll turn it down then find out they send it to their other unbranded branches.