Quote Originally Posted by mcg168 View Post
Retention pricing was rolled out in the summer of 2014 and the max term on those programs was 12 months. A few months later they allowed retention to go out to 15 months. It wasnt until this time last year that 16 - 24 month programs were available for retention pricing. Obviously those terms were available with them prior, just not on the retention program and the pricing prior to retention was similar to OnDeck, IOU, ect.

They stopped doing 22, 23, 24 month programs altogether this past summer.

I have never seen a 36 month program....the longest I ever saw was 24 and they were not very common, mostly reserved for doctors.
I am almost positive you are wrong, I didnt work with them but my brother has done a bunch of business with them and has spoken about 36 month offers and fundings he did with them.. Either way what ever the program was wont help them moving forward