Two and a half years Funding Experience as a Virtual assistant for U.S. based funding company as Broker Affiliate Manager, answering and making calls to clients and brokers, advising and assisting clients and brokers as to funding process, collecting and distributing of credit reports, documents, online forms, project management, used Google suite of products, Infusionsoft, Basecamp, ChatNox, Skype. Familiar with unsecured funding based on having a decent personal and/or business credit history.

Any position that requires only a computer and a telephone can be handled by a VA.

As an employer of a VA you can avoid employment taxes, W2 matching, SSI, Medicare, 401k contributions
and insurance costs associated with that of an on-site employee. As well, you can use the cost of contracting me
as a business expense write-off. Plus hourly rates are lower that U.S. standards.

I am on the outlook for new Virtual Assistant opportunities.

I am educated, intelligent, experienced, punctual, and ready to work as a remote worker via the internet with a
powerful computer and a fiber-optic connection. I am competent in a vast number of computer programs, I will
bring a level of common sense to the job that can only be acquired through years of experience.

Cell 011.505.8555.4708, Skype 904.425.1556