Isaac I can't give you the details, I was in the marketing department and only had limited access to certain information. I was mistrusted with information there because I made it clear I wasn't going to do anything criminal, ironic. If you want to PM me I can tell you the name of the ISO and sales manager that had his secret YSC rep. All YSC deals were done off the funding board and never accounted for. I even cited this to the owner when I quit that job as one of the many unethical practices his office took place in.

I have nothing against YSC and I am a firm believer that MOST shops are going to have a rep that's looking for some $$ on the side, and that YSC isn't alone in it. But you guys absolutely have some funny business going on over there, and as a pretty prominent lender in this industry you should work harder on taking care of it.