Hello to all,

I am an iso in Long Island ,Ny. I would like to introduce myself to the community . I enjoy reading this blog and I find it very informative . I believe its a great resource for all to connect ,make money together and most important share info to prevent the degenerates of this business from robbing from the real warriors on the front lines,the iso's and eachother . With that said .....


-15 yr mtg exp
-7 yrs private real estate based lending, personal syndication of loans
-marketing expert in a variety of fields
-debt negotiation

-all funding companies with competitive pricing, niche products ...and HIGH comissions
- the ability to jointly syndicate mca products with larger funding companies
-for a one stop shop type lender with broad lending guidelines where I can place clients and know I can trust and not have my deals stolen while building a residual book of quality business .

I look fwd to becoming part of this community and welcome any input from any one .

Please feel free to contact me at any time via daily funder