Every membership will start with a 3 month look back of any sales resume posted on the job boards and resources we utilize. This look back gives your team a strong pipeline of candidates to talk to on day one of your account with WallStJobs, as well as provides a great audience from which to email about your opportunity
In addition, all memberships includes the following:

Unlimited Email Campaigns – Our email campaigns are set up once and then run on auto-pilot ensuring every candidate we deliver is emailed about your job opportunity. You can track who has received and opened your email, as well as have the replies go directly to an email address of your choice. Emails will look as if they’ve come directly from you and your team and can be personalized with each candidates contact information.

Notes / Color Coding – Your team will be trained on how to tag resumes with electronic notes and color codes to better keep track of candidates throughout the recruitment process. These notes and color codes make it very easy to track usage of WallStJobs!

Unlimited User Accounts– Unlike other recruitment resources, WallStJobs does not charge for additional Log-Ins or User Accounts. We give you and your team the ability to have as many users as necessary and can even go as far as customizing each user account to only have access to specific features or locations with your WallStJobs account.

Unlimited Support, Training and Customer Service - While I am personally accessible 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, I can also assure you my team is ready to help with any questions or concerns you might have. At any point in time we are happy to provide a thorough training our sites best practices to ensure everyone is benefitting from our service.

Tracking and Statistics – Master account holders will have access to real time statistics on deliverables, resume views, log-ins, email campaigns, notes, etc. We make it very easy for you to see who is using WallStJobs and that we are delivering everything we promised J.
All resumes are visually pre-screened for sales experience, assuring all delivered resumes have a background in sales and their last job has been sales related. We will also eliminate any duplicate resumes as most candidates will post their resumes on multiple job boards.
WallStJobs.com will search, screen and deliver the following types of sales professionals to you on a daily basis:

Tier I
Licensed Financial Sales Professionals
Series 6, Series 7, Financial Advisors, Financial Services Representatives, Insurance Agents, and more
Non Licensed Financial Sales Professionals
Personal & Business Bankers, Branch Managers, Loan Officers, Mortgage Brokers, and more

Tier II
Sales Professionals from Other Industries
Inside Sales, Outside Sales, B2B Sales, Phone Sales, Pharmaceutical/Medical Sales, Advertising Sales, Technology/Software Sales, Business Owners/Entrepreneurs and more

Mark Rosen | Business Development
Office: 516.873.8100 ext.309
Mobile: 516.313.9072
Fax: 516.294.6604
1400 Old Country Rd, Westbury NY 11590