Quote Originally Posted by bdshaw View Post
Richard, I know mom likes you best because I never get and shootouts from you or a
Despite that I would say both of you are knowlegable and professional and reps will learn more about the industry if they deal with either if you.
Bo B
ps. Carl, this is where ypure supposed to say something nice.
Happy holiday to all of you.
Ha! Sorry, Bob. My company has spent some time with you on the phone, but I don't think we have had the pleasure of doing a deal together yet; but Bob is a great resource for knowledge in the factoring space (all you need to offer is a cup of coffee). If you have factoring needs, Mr. Shaw is your man (just don't judge him by his typing skills)! He also offers an interesting hybrid product that I think you'll see more of in this space; combining a factor with a working capital loan. Most factors hate what we do, so if you talk about near term trends in our space, that type of hybrid product I do believe is one of them.