Quote Originally Posted by riipdigital View Post
We can do an email blast for your business and drive them to call you, visit your website or reply to the original email we sent them.

We have great success sending a one to one email something like the message below. Our goal is to come off personal and not look like a spam message with images and all that. This helps with the response and reply rate with getting solid new prospects on the phone.

We give you a login for the reply emails that come back. They come into a portal where you can see them and then email them back to set up a call.

1,000,000 Email Blast to Business Owners - $250
3,000,000 Email Blast to Business Owners - $500
5,000,000 Email Blast to Business Owners - $750

Message Example:

Hey There,

My name is Ryan and I wanted to see if your business needs any funding?

We have cash available for all business sizes and we can get you funded with 72 hours of getting you approved.

Let me know the best time to jump on a quick call to discuss further

Ryan R.
(714) 788-9876 (example not working number)

Please call me or email me direct to speak more about this.

Jimmie Constantino
(714) 280-7114
Skype: throughput-sales
412 Olive Ave. Suite 614
Huntington Beach, CA 92648

Are you Can Spam compliant?