Hello Folks,

I've been spending a lot of time looking at the clients we fund, the industries they hail from and wondering what other lenders/ISO's think.

I was wondering if it might be helpful to talk about the types of clients we prefer (or not).

You don't have to share any secret sauce (I'm not going to!), but I'm curious as to your preferred industries, and it might help all of us to talk about it together.

While I will fund a client from almost any industry if the financials stack up, I've noticed a preponderance of clients funded from the following industries this year:

Construction (variety including contractors, plumbers, electricians, roofers)
Internet retailers
Consultancies/ Marketing companies

When looking at that list it is interesting to see Truckers in there since a year ago I was very wary of the industry, but am now pretty comfortable ferreting out the good from the not-so-good.

Direct marketing companies (including many Internet retailers) scare the daylights out of some lenders but I understand the industry and love it.

What are your favorites that you found make good clients and come back for more?

And this leads to the obvious follow up question: What would you like to see but don't get enough of?

Looking forward to the discussion!

Dan Page
Direct: (303) 938-8280