Quote Originally Posted by JayBallentine View Post
I'm chiming in here with a bunch of wild and ridiculously crazy ideas here... Here we go!!

1. Use a tool like this on here to help merchants contextualize the overall impact of their MCA. Perhaps go ahead and get yourself a real video, maybe 3 mins in length of a real merchant story maybe, and require they log-in to view video as a condition to the closing process. "You don't watch video (software tracks), we will not wire you."
2. Inform them of what they should expect going forward and how to deal with it. Tell them how to deal with the brokers who will aggressively sell the stack.
3. Set up a system which requires the merchant log-in to his / her account weekly via a portal connected to your site. The purpose of this weekly log-in is for you to get a view of activity. Large deposit + additional daily debit = stack. Then you have language in your contract that allows you to take the whole thing (or remainder) in service of the original advance. Failure to log-in = breach = collections style engagement.
4. Work together.

We've been kicking around the idea of somehow working on a shared database where we'd contribute info on who's in an MCA - faster than a UCC can be filed for the merchant. TONS of challenges with that... NAMAA may have some ideas.
you forgot the point where they also ask the merchant they are being charged a fee, and reminding the merchant they their MCA has nothing to do with said fee