Good Afternoon DF.

CFG Merchant Solutions is actively looking to expand its ISO pipeline. We have added more man power to sustain the volume we are being sent.

We now have 5 in house funders taking a look at your files. This will increase speed on pricing and funding.

For those who are not familiar with CFGMS, we are a 2nd - 5th position shop looking for B-D files. NO - We are not your garbage dumpster.

We are looking to put competitive offers on the table for merchants who are looking to progress the business.

Our sweet spot is any deal ranging from 5-50k. Factors ranging from a 1.4 - 1.47 with terms going out to 6-7 months.

Your deals are safe with us. No Shady business. ISO's never get a haircut on renewals and most importantly, the merchant is happy.

All i ask if for an opportunity to show you what we are made of.

If anyone wants to learn more, feel free to PM, Email or Call me.

Thank you,

Lior Monus
CFG Merchant Solutions
Direct: 516-319-5826

85 Broad Street
Mahattan NY,