I am not the biggest fan of funders calling my merchants before the deal is closed either.. main reason.. these are relationships that I have built over many years of being in business. I don't like people calling my people and trying sleazy tactics to "hard close" my deals.

In most situations I am dealing with sophisticated business owners who are in the know. The majority of the people I am dealing with aren't using this money to pay debts or float operating capital.. they are using the money to acquire competitors business' or fund large sales where they are making more than the 30% they get charged for using the money. A few of my customers use money to expand to new markets as well (looking for 750k for a guy who wants to expand into China right now btw)

I don't usually do deals for people who are on their way out.. I would rather look at the long run and keep relationships strong so after this industry is done and gone (nothing this good lasts forever) these people are still in my book of business.