Quote Originally Posted by fundnow View Post
I have a merchant that has 4 loans out and can't afford. He was going to default ,I convinced at least to lower his payments. He wants me to take care of that from him ex. Calling the companies that funded him. Should I do that?
Are you asking if you should call all 4 funders of his loans and ask on your merchant's behalf to lower the payments? Sure, give it a shot. It sounds like he didn't realize he was over leveraging his business with the loans, so he probably won't know how to explain it to the original funder, as well as the 3 guys who stacked him. I wonder if the stackers stacked knowing he was going to be over leveraged.

What other options were you considering? Consolidation into one loan and lowering the payments maybe? If someone is willing to do that, it could be another option.