At this time,
we would like to invite a Successful US TV Field Services company (in the field of repairs, installations, etc) from USA to make partnership with us to
be get incorporated as a Field Service Registered Partner for Sky Mexico, the largest TV provider from Mexico and Caribbean.

The services that can be provided as a Sky Field Service Partner are the next ones (not necessarily all):
· Sales (telemarketing, canvas)
· Upgrades (telemarketing)
· Installations (in the field)
· Repairs (in the field)
· Address validations (call-center + field)
· Morose collection (call-center)

What would we like from a US TV Field Services company?
· We would like to invite a TV Telemarketing and/or TV Installer/Repairer who has got already the know-how and experience to perform successfully
· To get incorporated within the Mexican market (with our help)
· Note: Sky provides the process and systems to help the partners to operate within the Market, however it is very important the Partner know-how and experience

How do we contribute?
· We have the relationship with Sky to get registered as a Partner
· We would like to help to build the business case to operate within the Mexican market (in our role as Investment Bankers)
· If financing is required to open an office in Mexico, we can go to look for the funds (credit) in our role as Investment Bankers
· We would like to help you to set up and coordinate your potential offices in Mexico
· We would like to provide the continuous QA for your potential operations

In summary, we would like to build a win-win relationship. Our goal is to generate revenue for us as a Consulting and Investment Banking Firm.
We guess that your goal could be to expand to the Mexican market, replicating your model of success within the TV Field Services industry.

If it is from your interest to explore this business opportunity, we can have a conference call to start discussing about it and to move forward.

Respectful Regards