Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
I would like to know the name of the funders/lenders doing this. I have never had to change the merchant's business number to my number, for one, my funders/lenders all know my number (for the most part) and number two, I don't want to knowingly falsify any information (even a telephone number) on an application.
All it takes is one shady underwriter. I was actually approached by an underwriter in an job interview who pitched me on A paper declines for $55 each. Its that easy. Buy the data, call, cut points, and fund before the other company even catches wind. I still get calls from the guy trying to sell me the data.

Joe, we're smart in that we work with funders we know. When I have to send a file out from my sales floor, I know my files aren't being put in jeopardy. For example, I have a personal high risk funder comparable to YSC so I don't have to deal with that mess(Nothing negative about YSC). He introduced me to his underwriting staff and showed me their process from A TO Z. I am 100% confident that my files aren't being put at risk which is why I work with them. If you want to know who and are in NYC, PM me and he'll do the same.

I've done the number switch with a Sideline number before and the reality is your deals are getting called whether its same day or a few weeks later by someone unless a funding company knows you.