Quote Originally Posted by Zach View Post
I doubt any funders, as policy, backdoor deals. I imagine that in 100% of situations it is a rogue rep. Still inexcusable, but easier to understand how it happens.
Zach, I've had "reps" that are high up in their company, personally calling me (thinking I'm the merchant) trying to backdoor me. Pretty sure there was nothing rouge. Do you want the lenders name?

It shouldn't be easier to understand-this is not common business practice in any industry, even with the rouge agent claim, but I guess it comes with the perks of being unregulated.

Also, if we are on topic, is it legit/lawful for a funder/lender that honestly declined a deal, reach out to the merchant a month later to see if there has been any change in his banks? And then of course not pay the broker if the deal closes? Does the funder own the lead once the broker submits it?