Quote Originally Posted by J.Celifarco View Post
how many times have you been burned that you think like this.. I am in this industry since 07 and he amount of times I am been screwed over is too few to count.

McoupeBobby I would say the opposite, find a couple of good banks build a good working relationship and focus on funding your deals with them. If and when an issue comes up you will have someone you can talk to and work out the situation. To think all funders are wrong and out to screw you all the time is short sighted and will get you no where. Watch your back make sure people dont taken advantage of, but find the right partners and trust that they respect you and your business enough not to screw you over.. Maybe this is naive thinking but Ive been around a while and it has not done me wrong working the way I do so far
I agree with John, we keep our circles small and close. I have no interest in experimenting with new funders. To much risk to me and my Iso's, so they can promise me 20 points but I'd rather make 2 and know my iso deals are safe.