Quote Originally Posted by mcaguru View Post
I am for informing the merchant of the true cost. its done on evrey funding call.

lets also remember that merchants are businessman they are buying supply's all day long and can tell you in a deep sleep when they get an advance for 100k and payback 1.30 over 6 months costs are to the business. so disclosure is great but one can think from all the discussion that business owners are not aware of costs of capital and they are like crash victims signing documents while they are being rushed into an ambulance while in a semi coma.

At the same time Should STARBUCKS remind repeat customers the following: "Sally hows your morning going? BTW your drink is $6.39 and just keep in mind that if you keep returning to our cafe you will be paying us $191.70 a month and $2,300.4 a year and if you Love our coffee so much Sally (BTW love your shoes) you will be spending $23,004.00 over the next decade..now did you want 1 or 2 sweet and lows>? ......
I am going to call you out on your bull**** all day long. You do not tell your customers the "true" cost of money on your funding calls.