Quote Originally Posted by Loan Advisement View Post
Credit 560
15-20k / month , September closed for most the month . Only 2k.
Mostly CC Sales
2 judgements for a total of 6k

DL please PM me. Everyone else please advise best lender with best terms.
- Any idea why September was closed for most of the month? Are they remodeling or moving or something?

- Any idea what the judgments were in relation to? Was it some sort of fraud on behalf of the merchant or actual wrong-doing?

If the judgments were not fraud based, are on a payment plan, and if the business doesn't have other issues like NSFs/Overdrafts.....then I would put this on hold and submit it around mid-December after October, November, and December are back in full swing. Or you could submit it towards late November, but the sales are going to have to be solid for October and November.