I guess. Part of the sales process is setting a merchant's expectation. A lot of merchants processing 5k state they are looking for 50k because they have no idea what they can get so they decide to start as high as possible. Even the merchants that shut you down cold on the first phone call that say "8k? what could I possibly do with only 8k?!" shop around for a couple weeks, get told the same thing over and over and over, and eventually take an 8k deal with someone. If you tossed the lead and huffed and puffed that the merchant was unrealistic and the lead you bought was too crappy, then you are wasting your own money. If you are expecting merchants to always be closed on the reality that they will only get 8k when processing 5k, then the lead source might as well sign the merchant themselves. Some sales people act like underwriters and think they are just there to process paperwork rather than put in the time and effort to engage merchants or be conscientious of their preconceived notions. They have hundreds of options these days and it can take weeks or longer before they decide the route they choose. Anyone expecting all their deals to be layups are dreaming.

Are your sales reps following up on leads that got marked as 'not interested' a month ago? Are you e-mail blasting every merchant you have come into contact with weekly or monthly? If you're not, you are throwing money out the window. Lead sources sell exactly what they say "a lead." not "closed deals."

If anyone thinks a merchant processing 5k, in business a year, 600+ credit,and needs funding asap is not a great lead just because they said they're looking for 50k is crazy. No wonder so many people complain about leads and resort back to UCCs.