Ok let me clarify regarding the 70%. With our profile we have 4 steps for the small business to be matched up with you, the lender. The four steps are designed to get to know the business owner better and one of the questions is a pretty standard question. "When do you need financing" We are finding that we have on average 70% of the small business owners marking, "Need Funds Immediately/ASAP."

As far as the mix of them. I have noticed that most businesses have never heard of MCA that I talk to personally (I don't have a %). Where our MCA lenders have been very successful is that we have a very high # of small businesses that have good credit card receipts, good revs, been in biz longer then 3 months, but have poor credit. They have a need for funding, and in most cases the need is strong. If they haven't heard of MCA, but have a need for funds with bad credit they really have no options. Chase says NO, Wells says NO. Their CU declines them, and so they see us as a life-line. As long as you guys take care of them with some care then they will jump hook, line, and sinker.