Hi DF,

I thought I would drop a quick note to let you know which industries we are aggressively financing. We are a division of a bank and offer flexible working capital solutions in the forms of factoring and asset based lines of credit. Because we are owned by a bank does not mean we cannot fund the unbankable. What it does mean....we have a very low cost of funds, can move quicker than banks, and can offer the client other bank services.

Facility Sizes:
-Factoring: $300K to $10Mil-We will go higher for industries we love
-ABL-$1Mil to $10Mil-Again we can go much higher....

Industries where we are very active and aggressive:
-Staffing-Especially IT Staffing
-Food & Beverage-Especially produce
-Specialty transportation-Same day delivery or last mile
-Specialty manufacturing

If you have a client that is currently factoring chances are we are going to be able to save them a lot of money on their factoring fees. I recently closed a deal for a staffing company where we beat our competition by over 7%.

We have also been able to help companies that were factoring AR with one of our competitors and stacked advances on top of the factor. We offered a better advance rate on AR, financed their inventory and M&E, and significantly lowered their cost of capital on factoring. The Company was able to pay off the expensive advances and has ample working capital because of the savings and extra liquidity.

We do pay referral fees for factoring deals that close.