It's more to it than just getting to the top of the Google SERP's. It's about driving traffic. There are dozens of techniques to driving traffic. I've been doing it for seven years and have tools and resources at my disposal, including an email list of over 100k business owners built in-house.

Owning or leasing a lead gen site should not be your only source of generating leads. However if you have a site that brings 100+ leads a month on autopilot, you could sell some leads yourself if you wish. Plus the leads will be fresh and exclusive.

Your example of sheldfundingdotcom trying to rank in Google for "business loans" is the perfect example of someone not conducting proper keyword research. Understand that they were competing with large banks and financial institutions with million dollar marketing budgets. No way would I try to rank for that keyword. But what about "restaurant business loans" or even better "restaurant business loans chicago". They would've had success alot faster and should be able to maintain that position. And the "startups" leads; aren't there funding available for those? They could flip those leads or find funding for them. Leave nothing on the table.

Thanks for your feedback

Quote Originally Posted by JayBallentine View Post
I just don't see how buying a lead gen website makes any sense. It makes way more sense to just buy live leads (phone calls / form submissions) This is a classic example of anybody willing to buy into a short cut. The downside risk far outweighs the upside risk (depending on price) because you can't control Google SERP's. There's way less downside risk, and alot more upside risk from optimizing for specific search terms on your own. spent almost a year to get to the top in SERPs for "business loans." They got there and ate good for maybe a week or two (most of it was startups anyway).

Short cut. Short cut. Short cut. FTW!!