Quote Originally Posted by mcaguru View Post
I had deep conversation with several large high risk funders, let me be clear if High risk was regulated overnight they would become A paper funders and of course being that they control the relationships with Every ISO in America overnight they would corner the A paper space (I know Cresthill would!!! perhaps even without regulations )....
there is zero chance this is going to happen.. Companies that are used to making 45% over 4 months or less + fees + coj are not going to just jump to 12 month affordable programs with no fees and no coj's. Just wont happen. These companies have agreements in place with wherever there funding came from do you think doubling the term and halving the return is just going to happen over night? Do you think these companies have underwriting guidelines in place to just make this switch or the personal to implement them? The majority of the high risk funders are gone the minute regulation comes in to play..

That said Marcus as usual you point has zero to do with the thread so why you are bringing it up makes even less sense to me