No criminal issues or NAAMA match. He has 625 credit, but has been declined by a couple of my banks due to credit. He has something a few derogatory items in his credit report that are old, which are causing the declines. He will not take a 2nd position nor will he take a short term deal. He got himself into a bad situation with a broker that lied to him and put him into 2 positions which killed his cash flow in February - March. Missed a couple payments, but paid one position off and is almost done with the other. He learned from the issue and does not want a payment that will put him in a bad situation, hence why he is looking for 9-15 months. I am a smaller 2 man shop, and only work with 5 banks total. When they did not approve him for what he needs and is willing to take, I came on here to find him a home.