Good morning DF - I get plenty of calls a week from new Brokers / ISO's who are so fed up with Funders who claim they know what they are doing.

Deals are dying with no reasons behind them, Offers are made just by skimming bank statements, and getting paid is harder than selling the actual deal.

Brokers are noticing, Merchants are noticing and i am as well.

Here lies the Solution - CFG Merchant Solution.

Want a funder who's offers are legit? Want a funder who is actually going to fund your deals? Want a funder who will pay you within 24 hours?

CFG is your Answer.

We welcome all submissions, but are typically looking for 2-4th position deals. Rates are normally anywhere from a 1.4 - 1.47 with 8 Points already built into the factor with terms going out to 7 months.

Im sure most of you will say "Why would i send you a sub when i can can get 12 Points somewhere else"

The answer is simple - 8 points on a deal funded is more than 12 points on a dead deal. Stop counting your $ before you have it.

Find the shop that will actually make you $ and not one that will make you want to rip your hair out!

We are the Answer, we are the solution, we are CFG Merchant Solutions!

If anybody has any questions or wants to pick my brain about our programs / nitch - Give me a call at any time of the day.

Look forward to speaking to many of you, have a great rest of your week!

Thank you,

Lior Monus
CFG Merchant Solutions
Direct: 516-319-5826

85 Broad Street
Manhattan NY, 10005
18th Floor.