Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
So what am I saying? Get out of your current arrangement immediately and setup your own funder/lender network. This allows you to control pricing, commissions, and renewals. Also making 8 points on every single deal might not be as competitive, so now you have the ability to take the pricing down so you are still making your 4 points per deal, but you are able to acquire more deals due to more proper/competitive pricing.
I disagree with this. The OP stated he/she does this part time while running another business. Setting up your own ISO shop becomes a full time endevour, only to make a few more points (10 to 12 on average) which might not be worth it for some people, especially if they need to give up whatever else they were doing to find the time.

The question was is it a fair deal, and for someone who is only giving referrals and getting a 50% split in the points to me sounds like a very good deal.