I posted this as a comment in a thread. I'm interested to see what everyone else has to say. If any veterans would like to contribute some inside knowledge, I'm all ears. Do you think we can successfully self-regulate before they come banging down our doors? Chime in!

"We'll see what happens with regard to industry regulation. If we're "lucky", we'll get a Trump presidency, and we'll have at least another 4 years to self-regulate. I'm pretty embattled right now, looking at what I feel to be two very, very bad choices for our next Commander-in-Chief, both for very different reasons. But I can at least appreciate what Trump would do for our industry, which is "Leave it the hell alone"...

We are just now in the stage of maturing and sorting the wheat from the chaff. The entities still in the game who are unable to properly self-regulate will surely fall by the wayside as the bigger players in the industry fall into lockstep with regard to best practice in MCA underwriting and funding. Obviously, those of us operating as direct lenders have a distinct advantage here, as the non-syndicating ISO/Broker space is going to be the first to suffer from burdensome industry regulation due to a number of factors, including the inability to capitalize on origination and servicing which drives direct lender's profits.

There are more than a few smart cookies on here, but the true Oracles are few and far between, and can likely be counted on one hand. Folks like Amanda, Chambo, Isaac, Bob, Dan, and a few others. (Sorry if I missed you, but you all know who you are.)

With all that having been said, it's too early to worry about regulation, especially on a Federal level. It will be done first at the state level, as has been done in CA, as they are attempting in IL, NY and a few other states. It will take a long time before we see any meaningful change at a Federal level which impacts us all equally. Just as many funders now cannot/will not fund in CA due to the CFLL, there may be a few more states no one will touch due to the same sorts of unnecessarily restrictive legislation... Only time will tell."