Quote Originally Posted by BoostAaron View Post
I think you're doing it right, Jake.

I'm certain that Mr. Stern would admire your creativity, ingenuity, and resourcefulness in finding the most useful information available in the most efficient fashion possible. That would of course be an internet forum, devoted to the topic at hand, and heavily trafficked by industry experts and veritable MCA heavyweights...

Good job Jake, keep it up.
Thanks Aaron - It's nice to see someone with business sense join the party.

When some people start making money (for their first time) they quickly assume that they are the Warren Buffets of our time... Well, once regulation kicks in I would bet half the hot shots on this thread who have been "so welcoming" will start to realize the financial district, as they once knew it no longer exists. Heads will be scratched and many will be confused.

Thats when the real opportunities begin.

Hotshots out there - Pennies come and go Penny wise pound foolish. I'm in it for the long haul.