Forensics asked someone to explain why you get such a harsh reaction to your posts. I am sure you really do not want to know the answer but here it goes anyway. You come across as a snake oil salesman or a con artist and the worst part of it is that you think everyone is believing your crap. We are all in sales and you seriously think you can talk your way into importance or existence.

Pathological liars do that. Its hard to tell if they are delusional and really believe their own bs, or if they are a narcissist or they are maybe just trying to con people. Same result no matter what.

They dont have to actually experience something firsthand, but they can make it up in their own mind by watching someone else do it..then claim it as their own.

The fact that you wrote a book off of other peoples experience, or your perception of other peoples experience does not impress anyone.

You come on here, reinvent yourself as the all knowing all seeing guru of marketing when people know you are not. Its frustrating to watch. But its like a car wreck or rubbernecking almost cant help yourself.

The question is ...why are you making enemies of people that you are trying to SELL to ?? You need to read a book on sales 101 and actually figure it out. Figure out how to make it in the industry without making up grandiose stories.

So you can't sell anyone into your ideas , or even into liking you BUT you are the great sales marketing man?

If you don't change will never make it. There comes a time when a salesperson gets tired of trying to reinvent the wheel and makes the decision to be COACHABLE or just get a new job