Quote Originally Posted by HDF View Post
"Made $3,500 off that puppy. so glad I didn't hang up on you when you called me. I am just mad at myself I didn't start on this when she told me. I don't like social media stuff. My step daughter had to help me set everything up."

This business is so easy even a child can do it!

However, business owners in need of advice and making solid smart financial decisions are not "puppies". Nor are they lemmings, cash cows, fatted calf, prized hogs, or mindless slaves to anyone's greed.

This post makes me sick. I agree with Credit Guy.
Help me understand how this makes you sick? if i can look at this post objectively. I was gracious enough to use internet etiquette and create my own post instead of hijacking someone else.

I was polite and wished you guys well. And I shared the experience of a happy satisfied client .

I am really puzzled at the hate and negativity. I understand skepticism and curiosity, but why shoot down, belittle, or slander something just because its new to you .

Now I didn't say the client make $350K.. I didn't say he is closing 100 new loans per month.. See those are the lies that lead generators say.

I was very honest and transparent. I said the guy was closing 3 new loans per month and he made $3,500 in commission. that is small in comparisons to some of you guys deals. . Please stop me when I am wrong... o wait. I am not. I think that is the reason why I forgot all about this guy was because his "win" was so small. On our websites we have clients who make hundreds of thousands who turn in testimonials. but I know they are mostly manufactures are branding agencies so I know that would be difficult to conceptualize in the Alternative Fiance space.

If you want to check them our for yourself. here is the link. http://www.leadforensics.com/customer-success-stories/

I apologies if I am coming off a bit condescending. please forgive my ton. I am just so confused at why this makes you sick . Can you tell me why it makes you sick to hear someone else success even though its a small one ? .. No this is not a rhetorical question .