"I turned $0.15 into a $3,500" A Story from a MCA ISO Client.
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  1. #1

    "I turned $0.15 into a $3,500" A Story from a MCA ISO Client.

    Good morning guys!

    I hope you had a great weekend. Mines was pretty slow . Nothing special or spectacular Well I am posting this thread because
    I was just on another thread that was "raised from the dead" about MCA Leads and I didn't want to Hijack the guys thread but I wanted to share
    this really cool email I received from a client about a month ago.

    There was a client out of Houston TX that enrolled with us the beginning of the year. He is an older gentleman. Did most of his business from word of mouth because he used to be a Truck Driver for 20 years. Nevertheless! He enrolled with us because he started a new website and wanted to track to see which of his current clients were coming to the site so he could renew them. We did his free trial and even though he spent a few thousand on his site he had zero traffic .. none .. zealch.. nada. .. the only business we saw on his site was his brother who was a Bankruptcy Attorney!

    After his trial he was devastated to say the lease but he was very impressed that we were able to see his brother because he said they hadn't spoke since Thanksgiving and at the time it was January. He decided to get enrolled anyway because he liked the technology. I told him I would personally connect him with my favorite CSM (Client Success Manager) and she could give him some really cool helpful tools to drive traffic to his site. He never called his CSM back. She left him a few voicemail's she asked me if I heard from him. I told her no but I would check. I reached out to him. to see how he was doing, he said he was great. He said after we spoke he YouTube'd how to drive traffic. and he did a Bing PPC Campaign. He told me he loved it because with our software he had a ton of leads. and he had closed 3 new leads that month. I asked a few more questions about what he was doing. keywords, etc etc, and he told me he was paying $5.00 per click.
    I told him that it was great that he was getting conversions but I thought he was overpaying for his keywords. I told him to call his CSM back. She had been trying to reach him.

    So to make a long story short. .. (sorry guys i know i am a bit long winded ). ... He emailed me this about a week after we spoke

    " Hi Dean

    Thank you so much for all your help. I can't believe how clueless I was before we spoke in January. I am looking forward to a great 2016 because of you guys help
    I have to tell you I was so impressed with what Emily showed me. I took her advice and did a Facebook Campaign and did the little targeting trick we talked about
    and I was able to get my cost per click down to only $0.15. I let that campaign run for a week and I funded a nice little beauty salon of it. Made $3,500 off that puppy.
    so glad I didn't hang up on you when you called me. I am just mad at myself I didn't start on this when she told me. I don't like social media stuff. My step daughter had to help
    me set everything up.You take care buddy and Kiss Emily for me. "

    Man!!! I think I need to get back in the business. I forgot all about that email until this morning when I saw that post about MCA Leads.

    I will put a link to it here -->http://dailyfunder.com/showthread.ph...or-Lead-Buyers

    Well I hope you guys have a great day. I am about to jump into this team meeting and get ready for the week. I hope you guys
    have a successful week. living the dream and making the big bucks. LOL!!!

  2. #2
    Senior Member Reputation points: 16720
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    I hope you get banned.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Reputation points: 13812
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Reputation points: 8603 Regium's Avatar
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    $5 /click considered overpaying on keywords?

    Buddy.. today's CPC are $20+ on common industry keywords

  5. #5
    Senior Member Reputation points: 158630
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    Jul 2015

    "Made $3,500 off that puppy. so glad I didn't hang up on you when you called me. I am just mad at myself I didn't start on this when she told me. I don't like social media stuff. My step daughter had to help me set everything up."

    This business is so easy even a child can do it!

    However, business owners in need of advice and making solid smart financial decisions are not "puppies". Nor are they lemmings, cash cows, fatted calf, prized hogs, or mindless slaves to anyone's greed.

    This post makes me sick. I agree with Credit Guy.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Reputation points: 203690
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    Jan 2014

    i'll say it again, these posts remind of Jay an Yuli too much

  7. #7
    Veteran Reputation points: 159073 J.Celifarco's Avatar
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    New York

    Quote Originally Posted by Sachip24 View Post
    i'll say it again, these posts remind of Jay an Yuli too much
    I have to agree with you.. I also sense the fragrant smell of bull**** wafting off of these posts.
    John Celifarco
    Managing Partner
    Horizon Funding Group

    3423 Ave S
    Brooklyn, NY 11234
    T: (347) 773-3990 | F: (718) 795-1990
    Linkedin: Profile
    Email: john@horizonfundinggroup.com

  8. #8
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    Jun 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by LeadForensicsGuy View Post
    Good morning guys!

    I hope you had a great weekend. Mines was pretty slow . Nothing special or spectacular Well I am posting this thread because
    I was just on another thread that was "raised from the dead" about MCA Leads and I didn't want to Hijack the guys thread but I wanted to share
    this really cool email I received from a client about a month ago.

    There was a client out of Houston TX that enrolled with us the beginning of the year. He is an older gentleman. Did most of his business from word of mouth because he used to be a Truck Driver for 20 years. Nevertheless! He enrolled with us because he started a new website and wanted to track to see which of his current clients were coming to the site so he could renew them. We did his free trial and even though he spent a few thousand on his site he had zero traffic .. none .. zealch.. nada. .. the only business we saw on his site was his brother who was a Bankruptcy Attorney!

    After his trial he was devastated to say the lease but he was very impressed that we were able to see his brother because he said they hadn't spoke since Thanksgiving and at the time it was January. He decided to get enrolled anyway because he liked the technology. I told him I would personally connect him with my favorite CSM (Client Success Manager) and she could give him some really cool helpful tools to drive traffic to his site. He never called his CSM back. She left him a few voicemail's she asked me if I heard from him. I told her no but I would check. I reached out to him. to see how he was doing, he said he was great. He said after we spoke he YouTube'd how to drive traffic. and he did a Bing PPC Campaign. He told me he loved it because with our software he had a ton of leads. and he had closed 3 new leads that month. I asked a few more questions about what he was doing. keywords, etc etc, and he told me he was paying $5.00 per click.
    I told him that it was great that he was getting conversions but I thought he was overpaying for his keywords. I told him to call his CSM back. She had been trying to reach him.

    So to make a long story short. .. (sorry guys i know i am a bit long winded ). ... He emailed me this about a week after we spoke

    " Hi Dean

    Thank you so much for all your help. I can't believe how clueless I was before we spoke in January. I am looking forward to a great 2016 because of you guys help
    I have to tell you I was so impressed with what Emily showed me. I took her advice and did a Facebook Campaign and did the little targeting trick we talked about
    and I was able to get my cost per click down to only $0.15. I let that campaign run for a week and I funded a nice little beauty salon of it. Made $3,500 off that puppy.
    so glad I didn't hang up on you when you called me. I am just mad at myself I didn't start on this when she told me. I don't like social media stuff. My step daughter had to help
    me set everything up.You take care buddy and Kiss Emily for me. "

    Man!!! I think I need to get back in the business. I forgot all about that email until this morning when I saw that post about MCA Leads.

    I will put a link to it here -->http://dailyfunder.com/showthread.ph...or-Lead-Buyers

    Well I hope you guys have a great day. I am about to jump into this team meeting and get ready for the week. I hope you guys
    have a successful week. living the dream and making the big bucks. LOL!!!
    great story , but all you showed me is you have no stories of helping people in this industry .

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by CreditGuy View Post
    I hope you get banned.
    WOW!! Thats a horrible thing to say. Why would you wish negativity on someone. especially if I have not done anything negative towards you?

    No this is not rhetoricall help me understand why ?
    Last edited by LeadForensicsGuy; 08-16-2016 at 12:58 AM.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by LeadForensicsGuy View Post
    WOW!! Thats a horrible thing to say. Why would you wish negativity on someone. especially if I have not done anything negative towards you?

    No this is not rhetorically help me understand why ?
    Drawing people into long-winded debates about semantics, etiquette, and some sort of "code" certainly seem like a former poster's MO.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Mikhail Suley View Post
    $5 /click considered overpaying on keywords?

    Buddy.. today's CPC are $20+ on common industry keywords
    Mikhail I don't mean any disrespect when i say this but. I hate to break the news to you but if you are paying $20 per keyword then you need to fire your SEO person. Or maybe hire one. its 2017

    There are so many different methods to get reasonable good quality traffic. If you are open minded and creative. Yes if you are gong for the "big boy" keywords on Google like "Working Capital Loan". etc etc, yes those are very expensive however I guess because I am in this industry and I see it all. I take it for granted that this information isn't common knowledge.

    Saying that you have to pay $20 per keyword is like saying the only way you can get money for you business is to have a 700 credit score and have 2 years of working capital.. Yes that is correct however you and I know that in the alternative finance space clients can get working capital loans cash advances, equipment leasing, factoring, book of business financing, 401K loans. etc etc etc..

    you catch my drift. ?

    Check out some of these articles to find low cost keywords you're welcome.

    Negative Keywords :



    Alternative traffic from Google



    I have to say I don't Indore any of these websites if they try to sell you something I just copied and pasted some resources our CSM have.

    Also do your own research google negative keywords and high quality cheap traffic, or penny clicks on Facebook..
    Last edited by LeadForensicsGuy; 08-16-2016 at 01:01 AM.

  12. #12
    Senior Member Reputation points: 32550 Funder Mark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeadForensicsGuy View Post
    its 2017
    I didn't know its 2017, why didn't anyone tell me? And you are saying people should come to you for help?

  13. #13
    Senior Member Reputation points: 16720
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    Sep 2014

    How many leads does someone have to buy to get a free pair of Yeezys? Do you accept bitcoin?

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by LeadForensicsGuy View Post
    Mikhail I don't mean any disrespect when i say this but. I hate to break the news to you but if you are paying $20 per keyword then you need to fire your SEO person. Or maybe hire one. its 2017
    Well, it's 2016 actually and search engine related marketing via "keywords" is very expensive today my friend. It's very difficult for any small shop to compete in that arena, most of the people competing in that arena are indeed the larger direct funders/lenders, or larger broker shops who have the higher marketing budgets to operate there.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by HDF View Post
    "Made $3,500 off that puppy. so glad I didn't hang up on you when you called me. I am just mad at myself I didn't start on this when she told me. I don't like social media stuff. My step daughter had to help me set everything up."

    This business is so easy even a child can do it!

    However, business owners in need of advice and making solid smart financial decisions are not "puppies". Nor are they lemmings, cash cows, fatted calf, prized hogs, or mindless slaves to anyone's greed.

    This post makes me sick. I agree with Credit Guy.
    Help me understand how this makes you sick? if i can look at this post objectively. I was gracious enough to use internet etiquette and create my own post instead of hijacking someone else.

    I was polite and wished you guys well. And I shared the experience of a happy satisfied client .

    I am really puzzled at the hate and negativity. I understand skepticism and curiosity, but why shoot down, belittle, or slander something just because its new to you .

    Now I didn't say the client make $350K.. I didn't say he is closing 100 new loans per month.. See those are the lies that lead generators say.

    I was very honest and transparent. I said the guy was closing 3 new loans per month and he made $3,500 in commission. that is small in comparisons to some of you guys deals. . Please stop me when I am wrong... o wait. I am not. I think that is the reason why I forgot all about this guy was because his "win" was so small. On our websites we have clients who make hundreds of thousands who turn in testimonials. but I know they are mostly manufactures are branding agencies so I know that would be difficult to conceptualize in the Alternative Fiance space.

    If you want to check them our for yourself. here is the link. http://www.leadforensics.com/customer-success-stories/

    I apologies if I am coming off a bit condescending. please forgive my ton. I am just so confused at why this makes you sick . Can you tell me why it makes you sick to hear someone else success even though its a small one ? .. No this is not a rhetorical question .

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jotucker1983 View Post
    Well, it's 2016 actually and search engine related marketing via "keywords" is very expensive today my friend. It's very difficult for any small shop to compete in that arena, most of the people competing in that arena are indeed the larger direct funders/lenders, or larger broker shops who have the higher marketing budgets to operate there.
    Your right John. I did say 2017 . Forgive me.,,typing to fast.... trying to get my point across and follow up with clients at the same time. .

    I agree with you 100% that it can be very competitive in this industry I think that's why guys like yourself. love
    our software and service. because any client that you have the chance to get you should really treat it like Gold. and if you don't close it the guy next door would.

    John because a lot of us are online its difficult for people to conceptualize buying behavior. Just because someone isn't physically in your presence doesn't change the psychology of a shopper.
    if our websites were physical stores in a mall. and someone came into your store and looked around at your products, in this case. material for cash advance or alternative financing.
    and stayed in your store for more than 60 seconds. I would hope you would stand up and ask that shopper. "how may i help you" or "is there anything I can help you with". Why because
    right next door is another person offering the exact same thing that you offer. My Fiancee will go into a store and wait to see if a sales person comes up to us and ask us if we need anything
    she has literally made me put down what I wanted to buy and go to another store just because she felt like the person was not helpful or rude.

    Se what we do is tell you the exact business name and contact details of the business that visit your website even if they don't reach our, fill out a form, opt in, or inquire. and so
    once you know have that information you know they were interested and you can see the exact page and product they were looking at and for how long.
    Last edited by LeadForensicsGuy; 08-16-2016 at 01:08 AM.

  17. #17
    Senior Member Reputation points: 158630
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeadForensicsGuy View Post
    Help me understand how this makes you sick? if i can look at this post objectively. I was gracious enough to use internet etiquette and create my own post instead of hijacking someone else.

    I was polite and wished you guys well. And I shared the experience of a happy satisfied client .

    I am really puzzled at the hate and negativity. I understand skepticism and curiosity, but why shoot down, belittle, or slander something just because its new to you .

    Now I didn't say the client make $350K.. I didn't say he is closing 100 new loans per month.. See those are the lies that lead generators say.

    I was very honest and transparent. I said the guy was closing 3 new loans per month and he made $3,500 in commission. that is small in comparisons to some of you guys deals. . Please stop me when I am wrong... o wait. I am not. I think that is the reason why I forgot all about this guy was because his "win" was so small. On our websites we have clients who make hundreds of thousands who turn in testimonials. but I know they are mostly manufactures are branding agencies so I know that would be difficult to conceptualize in the Alternative Fiance space.

    If you want to check them our for yourself. here is the link. http://www.leadforensics.com/customer-success-stories/

    I apologies if I am coming off a bit condescending. please forgive my ton. I am just so confused at why this makes you sick . Can you tell me why it makes you sick to hear someone else success even though its a small one ? .. No this is not a rhetorical question .
    Sorry that I hurt your feelings you gentle fellow. May you attain the simplest of tools of the trade soon and achieve total consciousness in the process. May a dictionary cross your desk as well.

    You are on a long list of fools who parachute into this world thinking you are smarter than the others. You are not, and you peddle nonsense. Search: Yuliya

  18. #18
    Veteran Reputation points: 159073 J.Celifarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HDF View Post
    Sorry that I hurt your feelings you gentle fellow. May you attain the simplest of tools of the trade soon and achieve total consciousness in the process. May a dictionary cross your desk as well.

    You are on a long list of fools who parachute into this world thinking you are smarter than the others. You are not, and you peddle nonsense. Search: Yuliya
    are you sure this isnt Yulia/Jay???
    John Celifarco
    Managing Partner
    Horizon Funding Group

    3423 Ave S
    Brooklyn, NY 11234
    T: (347) 773-3990 | F: (718) 795-1990
    Linkedin: Profile
    Email: john@horizonfundinggroup.com

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by J.Celifarco View Post
    I have to agree with you.. I also sense the fragrant smell of bull**** wafting off of these posts.
    Hmmm John & Sachip.. I find this extremely offensive and disingenuous

    I don't want to jump to conclusions but I think you guys might be referring to a guy named Jay Ballentine
    I did a searching on Daily Funder for "Jay and Leads" and he is the only person that comes up. Now if I am wrong please forgive me. I didn't want to assume thats who you meant.

    Now if you guys are Talking about him please help me understand what is it about me that reminds you of him. If my account of him is correct it looks like he was a young guy trying to sell leads that had SSN info on it and also trying to convince you guys to go buy sneakers to resell on ebay. He seemed like a get rich quick type of guy. hustling some no name brand websites and half witted ideas.

    Now the only thing that i see that is similar to he and i are 2 things our ambition and the color of our skin. so please clarify how is it that me being an educated professional that works for a multi million dollar corporation with headquarters in the UK and multiple offices in the US that is an accomplished business consultant remind you of a con man trying to sell people sensitive information and trying to Hustle people to sell tennis shoes ?

    Can you please help me understand how we are the same ? besides the color of our skin because its definitely is not the content of our character.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Funder Mark View Post
    I didn't know its 2017, why didn't anyone tell me? And you are saying people should come to you for help?
    Good one Mark. Yeah sorry about that I miss typed or spoke.. Now! I can respect this type of sarchasm and criticism. its warranted. I did make a mistake
    but the comments about me and my character because of pure ignorance or naivete.

    But good one tho. I think I am going to leave the mistake up. its to funny now. i can't go back and change it. i mean that is why we have an edit button for when
    we make mistakes. LOL!!!

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by HDF View Post
    Sorry that I hurt your feelings you gentle fellow. May you attain the simplest of tools of the trade soon and achieve total consciousness in the process. May a dictionary cross your desk as well.

    You are on a long list of fools who parachute into this world thinking you are smarter than the others. You are not, and you peddle nonsense. Search: Yuliya
    No. I don't think I am smarter than anyone. not at all. I am just very good with defending myself to internet bullies. or people who wish ill on you for no reason. never the less. you didn't
    hurt my feelings you just insulted my character.

  22. #22
    Senior Member Reputation points: 307559
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    i feel left out that i got no response to my comment

  23. #23
    Senior Member Reputation points: 340530
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    Ignore button still works.
    Kevin Henry
    VP-Business Development
    Seacoast Business Funding, a division of Seacoast Bank
    1880 N Congress Ave., Suite 404
    Boynton Beach, FL 33426

  24. #24
    Senior Member Reputation points: 19288
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    When a merchant does 10k a month but ask for 1mm


  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Michael I View Post
    great story , but all you showed me is you have no stories of helping people in this industry .
    Great question Michael.

    I am glad that you liked the story i shared. and I greatly appreciate your question especially with all these other remarks shheeessshhh!

    We only allow information to be shared if a client agrees to it. I have quite a few clients in the Alternative Financing space who love our platform. I would love to show you how the tool is working for one of our existing clients and if you like the Demo we will actually give it to you for free. for 7 days so you can see for yourself how the technology works for your businesses model

    We put or money where our mouth is.

    you can check out the testimonials on our website but the best experience would be seeing it for yourself. Thats why we give it to you for free.


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