Hello All-

first off, I want to thank al lot of you for giving me valuable insight over the past year. It was much appreciated! As I may be considered a "NEWBIE" in this space, I have over 15 years experience in Residential & Commercial lending and a year ago I decided to go at it my own and have built a great little company in this space. That being said, I have had an issue with a few of the lenders I deal with "BACK DOORING" or "POACHING" quite a few of my submissions lately. I pride myself and my employees in conducting themselves in tactful & professional manner therefore I will not "AIR OUT" my dirty laundry on the site and will not call the Bank Reps out eventually Karma will catch up to the Savage and unethical types and their ISO Relations Departments truly SUCK .I do business with the obvious sources out there in but I am interested hearing from some other funders. Please PM me and I will provide you with my Company info and direct contact information. I believe that it is important to have a good working "RELATIONSHIP" with the people you do business with on a regular basis. I have no tolerance for lenders who deny a file that myself or one of my Employees submits and then you contact my borrower 45 minutes later with an offer directly. Obviously there will always be some kind of overlap it comes with the space we do business in. Please send me PM with your contact information so we can exchange information and let me know what your sweet spot is and how you differ from others. I look forward to hearing form you. IF I DONT RESPOND TO YOU IT MEANS YES, YOUR COMPANY HAS DONE THIS TO ME AND WE WILL DISCUSS IT VIA A PHONE CALL AS I PREFER TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE. Thank you all.