Quote Originally Posted by JayBallentine View Post


You are way off the mark. As of THIS MOMENT - RIGHT NOW, there are ISO's who are in beta on a private platform who are killing it.

They sit down with merchant on phone. Send merchant a secured link via e-mail, merchant completes app, banking, credit, etc. while being "counseled" through the offers that eventually will appear on the screen. What does this mean? What does that mean, etc. At the end of the process the entire stack is delivered to funder with a SIGNED CONTRACT. Funder may adjust offers, but that's handled electronically too. The funder is left to do the things on Joesph's list that only a human can do.

This is a COMPETITOR OF MINE. They're in beta. This is happening right now, no fairytale. How exactly do you propose to compete with that? You can't - you will need them to survive. So you will be using the product before the year is out because you will have no choice. You want in now - whip me a note and I'll try to plug you in.

By the way Yodlee covers 95% of banks. Small. Regional. Super regional.
and then, the landlord says "nah man, he is behind 2 months, thats what he wants the money for"... dead deal at that a-paper shop AND now you have wasted the merchants and lenders time...