Mat gets it, some of you are missing the point. The idea is to change the behavior, not try to collect money from an agent. There is a sound legal strategy that if executed properly will work and hold up in court. The agents are easier then the stackers - if you don't have money, you don't want to get sued, and you don't want a big judgement and having to declare BK. The stackers will try to hide, I agree, but there are strategies around that. The stackers have financial backers too. If you are fighting a dozen lawsuits in 12 different states, good luck. Remember also that the bigger funders are litigation experts by now. We all fought - and a number of us won - the usury claims and class action in California. Many of us fought - and won - the AMI patent litigation. We sue merchants in every state and collect everywhere. Most of us have in house legal staff. And we are patient - we collect claims 5, 6, 7 years after they are written off. We garnish bank accounts around the country. We get our legal costs too. We've repo'd cars, equipment, etc. The only time we don't collect is when the merchant and the owner file Chap 7 BK. It's a cost of doing business.

I don't expect this discussion to change anybody's opinion or behavior today. Just a heads up that when you start to see some things happen down the road, be smart about what you do.