Mcaguru is correct, if you have volume and a solid performing book and a good relationship with some funders they won't clawback on you. That is accurate but he's won't and shouldn't air out his best partners but it happens all the time.

In regards to funder loyalty to performing brokers that's a big issue in this industry right now as I really don't feel the funders spend enough time analyzing the data and really appreciating the brokers who send them solid merchants and don't play games. Way to often they put policies in place across the board that hurt the good partners just as much as their mediocre ones and then in turn the brokers get annoyed and have to look out for themselves and move files or start doing things they wouldn't have otherwise I'd the loyalty was there. Yes a renewal should be paid out as a new deal, especially with a performing partner. It's very rare a good broker can't talk a merchant out of taking his business elsewhere so the funders are shooting themselves in the foot on that front if they play that game. The lack of loyalty and respect is one of the things killing this business right now and it's a shame