Quote Originally Posted by aak723 View Post
I'm curious as to how anyone is scaling at a 6.25% close rate. I think to sustain a workforce one has to go hard at these leads and pound them repetitively.

Next, what software are you using for powerdial systems? So far the pricing seems to be hovering near .02/minute for all calls places or .12/minute for calls that connect.
To be successful at anything you obviously need to maximize every opportunity and be as efficient as possible. To scale, its not a matter of what percent you are converting at, it is a matter of converting the best percentages where margins are the greatest. You need to consider the opportunity cost of certain lead sources vs. others. There may be super low cost leads or even those that are strictly success based that aren't worth pursuing because they just aren't as good as others. The most important thing is to know your numbers. Without a CRM/LRM or some sort of sophisticated tracking software there will be no way to know these things and in turn maximize your profits.