We offer ACH and ICL processing. I keep seeing posts from other forum members asking who does ACH for the MCA space. I'd like to make sure that everyone knows we do. Lenders, syndicates, and brokers in the MCA space are welcome to apply. The approval guidelines are straightforward. If you have existing ACH processing it's almost an auto approval. If you are new to ACH you will need 3 months bank statements, FICO above 580, and 3 industry references. Blemishes on your personal record will be considered on a case-by-case basis. The idea is to help, not hinder. Pricing is as follows.

Previous ACH History
Setup $75
Monthly $15
Per ACH $0.35
Return $1.75
Chargeback $25
Discount Rate 0%

No ACH History
Setup $75
Monthly $15
Per ACH $0.50
Return $1.75
Chargeback $25
Discount Rate 0.50%

Managing Director