Now, it's been a little while since I came on here but I've been checking in now and again and I see that nothing has changed. There are actually many things that I am itching to respond to but would my response make a change or fuel a fire?

I've seen some pretty dirty deeds, know first hand how some of these deeds are done, and unfortunately been stuck in the middle fighting for the right cause. Hell, I've even had my own deals on my own app stolen and brokered back to me! - I kid you f*$&%*g not. We have companies popping up a dime a dozen with promises to be your "one stop shop" and offer "ISO incentives" etc. wah wah wah. I get calls and emails asking me if I've heard of this company, person, and to tell me horror stories. I always say there is no hotline, magical solution for those types of things and there are many stuck wondering how can things like happen? Whether it's thousands of dollars *POOF* gone, Owner's left in the dark (Yes, I get merchant calls too), or Funders vetting Brokers, it's a real thing.

I would like to invite those who have a story or situation to send it to me. YES! Send it! I want to HEAR YOU OUT! Someone declined your file but then it mysteriously got funded? SEND! You started working with a "Direct Funder" but it wound up being some sweat shop in Staten? SEND!

You're probably wondering what I am going to do with these stories, huh? Why does she care? Let me tell you a little story first...

I, like many people, started off learning and sifting through the bad practices in order to assist others get on the right track. I've made people a lot of money by connecting them to the right people and breaking down files to get them done. I have a different perception and goal that goes beyond the brokering/funding and what I do helps a lot of people make the right decisions. I get approached by companies that are similar to pyramid schemes that offer the world to those who are "under" them as long as they don't ask too many questions. That's not how I roll.

Your stories will be researched and compared to other stories/situations along with the underlying parties who are involved. Your information, along with the "deal" information, and funder information will stay completely annoymous and WILL NOT impact you or your company. I will be in touch with you to dig into more details. From there- I will represent the situation and give the right outlet key information to exploit practices and will even go as far and meeting face to face with Direct Companies to bring clarity.

I will work with Direct Companies whose operations and overall stance will be validated by key points. You will know who is a "Direct" company and who is validated and you will be able to make an informed decision based on how you operate and your sales on choosing the right partnership Options.

I, and many other validated companies and individuals, will put the puzzle pieces together when it comes to training and basic tid bits of sales and processing information you need to help give business owners the user experience and expectation they should have every single time they apply- no matter with who. Direct or Not.

I know there will be questions/comments as this is a vague introduction, but feel free to email if you have MAJOR questions, comments, stories, or would like to contribute!

Contributions from Validated Partners go far beyond a referral and the Options Network is already off to a fantastic start!

Thank you