Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Shiroky View Post
hahaha... i was thinking the same thing... i know a few stockbrokers that are doing juuuuust fine even tho there are PLENTY of online trading platforms... i dont see these online services killing broker business the way that article is implying it will.... sh*t, half the merchant i speak to daily either dont have a computer, or dont know sh*t about them... i did a deal with a guy that was EXTREMELY prudent, was very intelligent and flat said, he would rather deal with a human being than a computer, as a computer can not advise him on anything, but a person with 6+ years experience in specialty finance has a very good grasp on what is going on...

all this being said, the dialer warriors aren't going anywhere... god bless 'em!!!
I agree - brokers will always be around. Much the same way Doctors still use pagers.