I don't know what planet you live on, but as someone who has dealt with Avi Dahan for over 2 years, I can tell you first hand that you will not find a more honest, upfront, and an overall good human being in this industry. I have funded more deals with Avi than I can count. Not once has he ever even given me the idea that anyone back doors any of my deals. In fact, He has called me to remind me to reach out to deals that are up for renewals. None of my merchants that I've sent to Yellowstone who wound up no closing were ever solicited by Yellowstone or affiliates. Not only so, but many people that I trust in this industry will second that notion. To give you an example of the type of guy Avi is, he once offered to pay me out of his pocket for a deal that Yellowstone accidentally screwed up. He insisted on paying me even though it did not fund. You really need to think about what you are saying, unless you enjoy dealing with slander lawsuits.