Happy Friday DF,

Some of you know we are active working capital lenders to a variety of industries. We especially like the staffing industry and have funded several deals recently and are in the process of closing two more in the next week of so. We offer flexible working capital solutions in the forms of factoring and asset based lines of credit. We are owned by a bank so our cost of capital makes our facilities more cost effective for the customer. Just because we are owned by a bank does not mean we cannot fund the "unbankable".

We are seeking staffing companies generating in excess of $1mil in revenue a year up to $75Mil a year. We can provide facilities as small as $300,000 and go well over $10mil. We really shine when there is a working capital need in excess of $2mil.

Example: We recently funded a factoring facility for an IT Staffing Company generating $15mil in revenue. We funded a $3mil facility and were POINTS more cost effective then the two other lenders that submitted proposals. The client got a great deal and the referral source will collect commission checks for the duration of the time the client stays with us. We are working on closing a similar transaction for a Company that was referred by a DF advisor. I will pat him on the back next week when we close the deal.

