Quote Originally Posted by AndyYSCISOdept View Post
Mat, I couldn't agree more. This is why I am almost welcoming a bit of regulation, this way we can keep out/get rid of the people looking to exploit an industry that for some of us has been a 7 year odyssey from obscurity to real careers.
unfortunately, the Gov doesn't do "a bit" of anything... it's all or nothing with the feds... this being said, we can either expect to run free and wild... or, have our hands held by compliance officers through the whole working day... "a bit of regulation" isn't going to happen, and if regulation happens, u can expect a cap on factor rates and minimum terms lengths and commissions and fees... so, brokers are going to get SUPER aggressive because now they have to really fight to make a buck and lenders who charge origination are gonna lose out because brokers won't send biz anymore, cuz they will want to make that junk fee...

regulation is going to suck the lifeblood of this business right out... i say this about stacking, if you dont wanna get regulated, put a cap on it.... come up with some 2nd position funding organization that promotes best practices (like a namaa for 2nds) and set a gross margin rule for all types of stacking deals... REGULATE YOURSELVES!!! pay less commissions to the brokers for doing the deals, that way you can lower rates to begin with (everyone cries about risk, charging 1.45 is risky in itself, nobody wants to pay that rate), and it discourages pushy brokers to coerce merchants...

im probably just pissing in the wind with all this... but the bottom line is, we need to regulate ourselves or the feds are gonna rip our hearts our and eat them...