Quote Originally Posted by AndyYSCISOdept View Post
I find it amazing that we all only blame the funding companies but some responsibility needs to lie with the merchants. They need to understand what they are getting themselves into.

Because if the merchant wants the 2nd 3rd or 4th position funding they will get it. A lot of parallels to the whole "Drug war" argument, do you blame the user or the supplier. The answer is both.

Unfortunately I dont think that you can ever truly get rid of stacking until something drastic happens, and even then someone is always going to test the waters in search of profit.
This sort of 4 and 5 deal nonsense is just the "something drastic" that would be needed. That merchant starts bouncing and getting inundated with collection calls. They run to their local Congress person complaining about the predatory nature of these ambiguous funds out there...and the snowball starts rolling

For all the cocky SOB's out there, who think this will never happen...how much money have B of A and Chase and Citigroup paid out in fines over these predatory mortgages? But the customers did in fact sign on the dotted line, right? so what's the harm?