Quote Originally Posted by Cfairbank View Post
Email it to me, you have my email. Again, there is nothing inherently wrong with high cost, short term deals -- it's the cycling that is business crushing.

You also PM'd me saying "one of your ISOs claims they saw that contract" -- if you have it, send it to me. If it exists, I'll figure out the background and gladly share it with the forum.
i feel that is what causes half the stacks . as a broker there is plenty of times i can win a deal with giving them a stack as it comes out cheaper . had a merchant the other month that his "a" lender had him on a 1.26 9 months but needed to pay double on his 20k balance . it was way cheaper just doing a 7 month second for 20k at a 1.38 .
i wonder if lenders calculate that when they make the greedy calls . Also lenders who offer an early pay off discount only if you use them have the right idea , look at the post the other day with quickbridge how the rep cant move him away because he wants the discount