Quote Originally Posted by CrouchingIsoHiddenFunder View Post
I did not see that if a contract or even intimate details of a contract were posted to the forum that needed to be removed right away. We don't do that.... at least none of us should. That's bad business and amoral if not illegal. The only outside party that has ever seen a piece of one of my contracts was the Notary I had handling COJ's before we got in house notary. The terms and details of funding contracts should not go beyond the broker, lender, and client. That's just good business there are too many client and lender specific details in those things to be making them public just on what we would have once called 'general principle'
Agreed, simply asking Marcus to send me the details of this deal and I'll look into it. On a no names basis, I will gladly share the details of this supposed "deal". We don't hide behind rates, our product is not "cheap", but we also won't take or keep customers on our product if they should be on better, cheaper capital -- short term lending is inherently expensive, and stacking makes it that much more expensive. The issue we have has nothing to do with headline rates: It's the cycling/renewals with little disclosure and knowledge that it's impossible for a business to support a product for an extended period of time -- name a business that can has the growth rate or margins to support a 600% APR over a multi year period. The issue in this space is not the rates, and that's why you haven't seen any rate caps in any of the states that are looking at regulation.