Quote Originally Posted by mcaguru View Post
I have heard a thousand times from my ISO that merchant wont sign anything less then 18M or etc...then like a week later (since i chat with my isos all day) what ever happened to that file and he tells me he went to another lender and took a 6 month or etc).
^^this exact scenario a dozen times over.
If they need the money they will eventually accept what the terms are for obtaining it. Pie in the sky deals are usually a lot of extra work and have the potential to die at final funding if the underwriter hears or sees the slightest little detail they didn't like. It's in your interest to wait this one out or let it go, trying to process it under those terms is very unlikely.

The best way to try and arm twist a little would be to accept a small loss of profit on the deal to just offer them the best realistic package you can get for them. ---and make it clear you are eating your own money to do it.