Quote Originally Posted by HDF View Post
End of Days or The New Frontier?
The New Frontier.

As I've been preaching on this forum, this industry is structured on the 80/20 rule, where 20% of the people in this space have the resources (marketing budgets, networks, data, technology, etc.) to have staying power which can be defined as either middle class ($50k - $65k a year) or higher class (making at or over $100k a year) in terms of income. The other 80% lack the resources and are spending their time on dead strategies such as cold calling out of the Yellow Pages, calling on over-saturated UCC data, or calling on Aged Leads. They are like a revolving door.

Going forward that 20% is going to get bigger and powerful through more strategic networks, partnerships, and more capital that will flood into the industry for their usage. That 80% is pretty much going to continue to wash out to where the industry as a whole doesn't even "entertain" them anymore.

The New Frontier will be a "form" of an Oligopoly v.s. the Perfect Competition structure that we've had prior. There will be "higher" barriers to entry going forward but not in a direct way (such as to ban people out through required licensing tactics) but it will be in an indirect way in terms of the resources needed to succeed (capital, budgets, networks, technology, people, etc.) only going to the "20%" that have oligopolized the industry.