Quote Originally Posted by MCNetwork View Post
This is like the funder saying,"Boy I just hope I lose my money on this deal." Comments like this show that you never really had a clue about this industry and that's why you crashed and burned. I say good riddance to those upstarts who naively entered this industry with dollar signs in their eyes and promptly got their asses handed to them.
This is a highly emotional retort by someone who is facing inevitable displacement. You're a middleman.

I've sat in on investor meetings where's they said "you're basically circling the drain betting to get your money back before they go out right?" Then they handed over a check.

My partner was hired to do marketing where the owner of the firm had to impress on him that the owner desired merchants who were "on deaths door..."

Additionally, grab 10,000 UCCs of businesses that took more than one MCA from 2012 to present. What percentage are still in business? If you want to know you can pay for that research. Plain and simple. Any repeat MCA customer is poor owner / operators. It's simple math and basic tautological reasoning sir.

Finally, Your opinions and emotions will never a) hold a candle to the breadth and depth of my research. b) obfuscate the fact that MCAs are a subprime product. c) change the fact that Most businesses who resort to MCA did so because of their inability to run their businesses properly.

Regarding crashing and burning... At least we were not in denial. What's your next move?