Oddly enough, this has been one of the more consistent posts on here (no hijacking even with Yulia G being banned) That said, much of the angst in this industry at this moment is pretty evident. I must agree with those saying that the industry needs the shakeout for the long term betterment. To use the mortgage industry as a comparative analysis, very much of the same took place in that industry as well. For those who stayed and saw through the storm, licensing, regulation, shakeout, etc...are doing quiet well these days. Small and medium sized businesses will not cease to exist, need for capital will not cease to exist, banks not lending to many of these clients will not change(for the most part) so the need is there.

I think companies will need to become creative and start offering a menu of financing options based on qualifications (especially those with deep pockets and access to trusted investor funds) This model will also allow for an opportunity to cross sell.